Thursday, June 4, 2009

Think about it.

I never realized how many products were made in China until I started playing with my young children. Every single toy we played with was Made in China. How disappointing. Then I realized that so many of our clothes were made in China or Mexico or Honduras. Suddenly I realized that we as Americans have become a nation of consumers and shopkeepers. Our middle class is disappearing and the Wal-Marts of the world have taken over.

I like saving money as much as the next guy, but then I realized WHAT my saving money was doing to our country? Was it possible to get American manufacturing going once again? Can small steps add up? Could a single company in Denver pitch in to help turn the tide? Why not do it? Think about it, America created the automobile, the telephone, and virtually every cool toy on earth. Yet we have sent our inventions overseas in search of cheap labor to make them, and it is costing every American man, woman and child. Jobs lost, cities turned into Wal-Marts, it is a sad thing, but there is hope!

Foster's American has decided to step up and try to change all that. By creating really awesome, comfortable and stylish T-shirts that send a message we are giving You the opportunity to enjoy qualty and help, in a small way, the American economy. We also are searching out the coolest American made toys, clothes and other products. If your American made product fits our niche let us know. Together we can change things!

1 comment:

  1. Great Idea!!!!
    Now if we could only stop people from thinking all about the dollar and more about our future as Americans.
    Thanks for making a difference!
    Looking forward to seeing your shirts and supporting the cause!
